Who we are

"The idea of founding KOM2KOM was born in 2021 with the aim of serving as a catalyst at the municipal level for the European Green Deal, the Federal Climate Protection Act and the Bavarian Climate Protection Act enacted in November 2020 in a way that combined security and sustainability. This is achieved by having the local projects in the blockchain inextricably linked to the respective reduction payments. We would like to eliminate the weaknesses of CO2 emission trading, in particular the fact that reductions are not allocated and the resulting lack of proof of effectiveness for buyers. Our goal is to increase the potential for greenhouse gas reduction locally in the municipal family. This way, climate protection also becomes tangible for local citizens as a result of regional investments. Our team has a long history of experience in the relevant areas of renewable energies, eCommerce and blockchain technology, and is also experienced in dealing with laws relating to fees, taxes and commerce."


“We are the catalyst for the implementation of greenhouse gas reductions in municipalities and municipal businesses.”


  1. Because we combat global climate change by local projects, thus making climate protection tangible for citizens.
  2. KOM2KOM acts as a marketplace for greenhouse gas reduction where the technical means for carbon reduction can be linked up with the corresponding financial resources.
  3. Carbon reductions that would not be possible without climate funding can become reality.
  4. Carbon reduction is objectified through the KOM2KOM marketplace and the EU ETS market price.
  5. The KOM2KOM quality criteria and the KOM2KOM test method ensure that only validated climate protection is offered on the platform.
  6. KOM2KOM offers a platform where providers of municipal carbon reduction programs and funders for climate protection who are not consumers can meet.
  7. The climate agreements and carbon reductions are stored securely and one-to-one in the blockchain where they can be traced.
  8. This KOM2KOM blockchain prevents greenwashing and offers security that is not available in other unregulated emission trading markets.
  9. As a result of this security and the fact that only market participants with integrity are admitted, funding can be made available prior to implementation.
  10. KOM2KOM has a transparent, graduated fee structure per ton of CO2 equivalent.

KOM2KOM introduces itself

In the following video we present KOM2KOM and how you can implement carbon reduction projects sustainably.

Then contact us.

"KOM2KOM is the marketplace for carbion reduction projects from municipalities and municipal businesses."

Climate responsibility by climate funding Marketplace for carbon reduction projects

Now we are ISO 14064-2 validated and you can register soon!


Goal what we want to achieve

KOM2KOM brings together municipal project providers and climate funders (consumers of carbon reductions) with the aim of realizing climate protection locally and achieving further benefits for citizens. Municipal players make their greenhouse gas reduction projects available on the KOM2KOM marketplace. These must meet the high KOM2KOM quality criteria. The carbon reductions offered have been validated by us. The projects may only be implemented with the additional funding from climate funders. We advise taking into account the requirements and effects of sustainability reporting within the meaning of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as a whole and presenting these under the ESG criteria where applicable.

Benefits for the suppliers of carbon reduction projects

The willingness to invest in local climate protection and greenhouse gas reduction is often present and politically desirable, but fails due to financial constraints. KOM2KOM aims to enable projects that are initially not economically feasible to find funding through the KOM2KOM platform. In this case, they must meet the stringent KOM2KOM quality criteria. The daily EU ETS market price is used for funding purposes in order to ensure a uniform greenhouse gas price in Europe.

Benefits for CO2 emission consumers

If the goal of climate neutrality (e.g. within the meaning of Article 3 of the Bavarian Climate Protection Act (BayKlimaG)) has not yet been achieved and the greenhouse gas reduction options available to municipalities and municipal businesses within their own operations have been exhausted in a manner that is economically reasonable, the remaining greenhouse gas emissions must be offset with measures that benefit climate protection. Numerous options for reducing greenhouse gases in Germany and abroad are available in regulated markets, such as those conforming to the Paris Agreement, and unregulated markets. The latter, however, are often fraught with uncertainties (e.g. greenwashing). KOM2KOM offers an attractive alternative in the unregulated market that is secure, traceable and local.

Further advantages

The contract between the supplier and the consumer along with every single ton of CO2 is stored audit-proof and unalterably in the blockchain. This direct allocation of reductions to a specific project makes it possible to ensure the highest possible level of security and traceability. The KOM2KOM blockchain method provides an unprecedented level of security and traceability compared to other non-liability markets. Unlike other methods, payments can be made before the product is implemented, so that the liquidity for the investment will be available. Due to the public standards to be observed (European Green Deal, Paris Agreement, German Climate Protection Act and the standards under federal state law, such as those in Bavaria (the Bavarian Constitution, Bavarian Climate Protection Act, Bavarian Municipal Code (BayGO), Bavarian District Code (BayLKrO)), the costs of compensating for the harmful effects on the environment and climate caused by emissions can be taken into account in the fee calculation according to the Bavarian Municipal Tax Act (KAG) (with regard to waste, wastewater, etc.) by objectification through the KOM2KOM marketplace and the EU ETS market price. Climate protection expenditures are also deductible operating expenses under tax law due to the objectification through market prices and the marketplace.

Summary and examples

Carbon accounting by the use of blockchain technology

The municipal platform and blockchain technology

Example: MHKW

"The aim is to achieve
the greatest possible reduction in greenhouse gases and to
categorically rule out a free rider effect and greenwashing."

Quality criteria for carbon reduction projects

KOM2KOM is guided by the standards of international compensation regulations without sacrificing the advantages of an unregulated market.

To achieve this, the reduction project must be traceable, assessable and implemented. As a further stipulation, it can only be implemented by the funding and is irreversible and objectively proven.

The reduction in greenhouse gases (in CO2 equivalents) must therefore fulfill or demonstrate the following quality criteria:

The climate protection project provider must demonstrate that the greenhouse gas reduction will actually take place if the project is carried out. While there are various methodologies (specifications) for climate protection projects, the marketplace does not specify which one to use. An external expert and planner must determine which methodology is best suited to achieve the reduction. A deviation from this approach is only permitted in standard cases where the parameters are easy to trace and of low complexity.
The amount of the reduction (in tons of carbon savings) must also be calculated by an external expert and planner. If the supplier of the carbon reduction project accepts the offer of the consumer of CO2 emissions and the general conditions of the KOM2KOM platform, a letter of intent is automatically agreed and the current EU ETS market price is fixed, resulting in an assessment of the price per ton of CO2.
In larger projects, the reduction must be checked at appropriate intervals. The checks must be included in the agreement. Depending on the reduction target and the type of project, there are various options available. These include, for example, reading the heat feed-in in the case of heat supply or determining the material input in the case of bio-fermentation.
„Can only be implemented by funding“
It would not be possible to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gases aimed at by the project without the expected proceeds from the sales of CO2 emissions. This means that a measure that is already economical in itself is not eligible for the project. The definition of economic viability is based on EU regulations relating to state aid law, according to which a project is economically viable if it has a positive present value, taking into account a minimum return under state aid law. The period for tax depreciation is fixed by agreement, and any reductions extending beyond this accrue to the general public.
„Legally additional“
A project must be implemented in addition to the existing statutory provisions and obligations applying to the reduction of emissions. This means that the project will exceed statutory standards.
„Non-reversible“ oder „permanent“
The emission savings must be permanent and must be taken into account by using an appropriate discount (buffer). This is especially difficult in the case of projects for nature, such as forest or moorland projects. The requirement is met if fossil fuels are displaced, e.g. by heat pipes, energy renovation and alternative drives. KOM2KOM defines 40 years as the minimum criterion for “permanent”.
„Objectively proven“
The climate protection project provider must demonstrate that the greenhouse gas reduction will actually take place if the project is carried out. While there are various methodologies (specifications) for climate protection projects, the marketplace does not specify which one to use.
„Validation and verification“
The reduction must be validated and verified in accordance with the KOM2KOM method by a verification body accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) pursuant to ISO 14065, so that the quantity of the reduction is objectified. Deviations from this principle are only made in so-called model cases for reasons of economic efficiency and materiality. Model cases include projects and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) declarations corresponding to the ISO 14064-2 validated KOM2KOM model case and those where the reductions are less than 15,000 tons of CO2 equivalent.
„Contribution Claim“
The KOM2KOM method uses the Contribution Claim approach, according to which municipalities and companies can promote climate protection by financial contributions. This climate contribution must meet the strict KOM2KOM quality criteria and is valued at the daily EU ETS market price.

Potential carbon reduction projects

Contact us!

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By phone:

+49 (0) 9404 / 300 31 80

You can reach us Mon. - Fri. from 9:00 - 12:00 (except on public holidays)